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By October 23, 2018September 20th, 2021Conservation, Jackson Falls, Projects

Saturday, October 20th, 2018 kicked off the first of several REI Grant Sponsored Adopt-A-Crag days at Jackson Falls in Southern Illinois.

Projects included cleaning up campsites, installing parking blocks in the main parking lot, picking up micro-trash on the rim trail and in the canyon, installing a medical kit at the Beaver Wall, installing a medical kit at the Promise Land, plotting points for future wayfinding signage, and identifying areas in need of trail work and erosion control.

Nineteen volunteers showed up to get the work done, coming from as far out as Nashville, Tennessee to contribute time and energy to the mission.

Aside from earning their lunch, volunteers were gifted BETA Fund swag stuffed in a Trango Multi-Pitch bag donated by an Access Fund representative.

The day wrapped up around 3 p.m., giving volunteers just enough time to get a few climbs in before sunset.

Big thanks to all who took time out of their weekend to come do the dirty work of revitalizing and preserving Jackson Falls, an area so near and dear to Midwest climbers.

Follow BETA Fund on Facebook to get updates on the next REI Grant Sponsored Adopt-a-Crag day.